Board of Ushers

Updated: October 30, 2017


"God asks the church to be a fellowship sharing a common purpose and continually growing in faith. Paul describes the church as Christ's 'body'. (Ephesians 1:22)

People experience the presence of Jesus Christ in the world through the ministry of the church. When [the] local church serves the needs of people, members and non-members, it is an expression of the love of Christ. The church is a servant body, created for service. 'For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.' (Ephesians 2:10)

Christ calls every member of the church into ministry. the church is 'a kingdom of priests'. (1 Peter 2:9) As [ushers], [they] are a minister of hospitality and caring in the church.

When people come to church they are sometimes burdened, sad or discouraged. Each person, member or newcomer, comes with the hope that the Sabbath will be an experience of uplift and inspiration; a time of renewal and celebration. The skillful usher helps to make this a reality for those in attendance."

 - Taken from the book, "Responsibilities in the Local Church" by Monte Sahlin, AdventSource, 1997